Tartarus 1 Featured Art Feature 

Jack T. Cole Takes Us Through the Creation of “Tartarus” #1

By | February 10th, 2020
Posted in Art Feature | % Comments

Wednesday marks the start of “Tartarus” from Image Comics. The solicit combines some of the most amazing words ever uttered into one sentence: ‘A new adventure series with all the sci-fi drama of Breaking Bad set in Mos Eisley!’ Writer Johnnie Christmas and artist Jack T. Cole have graced us with an inside look at the process of creating the comic, starting with the script and going from thumbnails to inks to the entire coloring process.

Cover by Jack Cole
Written by Johnnie Christmas
Illustrated and colored by Jack T. Cole
Lettered by Jim Campbell

A new adventure series with all the sci-fi drama of Breaking Bad set in Mos Eisley! Promising young cadet Tilde is framed for crimes against the empire after discovering her mother was the ruthless warlord of the deadly colony Tartarus, a vital player in the galactic war. Now, Tilde’s only way home may be to reclaim her mother’s dark crown.#1 New York Times bestseller JOHNNIE CHRISTMAS (Alien 3) and artistic phenom JACK T. COLE (The Unsound) kick off this ongoing series with 44 big pages of story!

Thanks to all involved for this inside look, and make sure to pick up the issue on Wednesday!

Here is what Jack T. Cole had to say about these pages:

“When I was coloring the pages for the first issue of Tartarus I was coloring them in batches by scene. At the time I did it to harmonize the palette between pages, in particular anticipating how the overall color composition might look to a reader opening up the book and seeing 2 pages at once. I also thought it was faster. I now color one by one because I think it allows for more attention to detail and precision, which I think is more important to capturing the proper mood on a page. Additionally it didn’t actually make the coloring go faster, but it did make it feel like the batches were taking forever because they were all on file!”

Brian Salvatore

Brian Salvatore is an editor, podcaster, reviewer, writer at large, and general task master at Multiversity. When not writing, he can be found playing music, hanging out with his kids, or playing music with his kids. He also has a dog named Lola, a rowboat, and once met Jimmy Carter. Feel free to email him about good beer, the New York Mets, or the best way to make Chicken Parmagiana (add a thin slice of prosciutto under the cheese).