Author Archives: Elias Rosner

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Make Mine Multiversity Episode 52: Phenomenal Scientific Head, Itty Bity Baby Hands

By and | Sep 18, 2020 | Podcasts

In this episode, the Make Mine Multiversity book club is back and bringing you one strange, strange mini-series. We love strange here at MMM, and maybe one day the good doctor will come as well, but for now bask in the glory that is the pettiest Marvel villain ever: M.O.D.O.K. and his crew of Z-listers. One of which is now on Krakoa. Who is it? You'll have to listen to find out


By | Sep 17, 2020 | Reviews

Westerns, WWII, and Crime. Put ‘em in a blender and what do you get? A slurry of strange ideas, an affinity for guns, and the questions of where the lines between lawlessness and criminality really lie or, in another word, a pulp story. Or in another, another word THIS “Pulp” story. Also lots of punching in the jaw. Why they love punching in the jaw?

Interview with a Webcomic: Harry Bogosian on Demons, Inking, and making

By | Sep 8, 2020 | Interviews

Regular readers of The Webcomics Weekly, our webcomics review column, will no doubt recognize the name of this month's interviewee. Harry Bogosian is the creator of "A Better Place and "Demon's Mirror as well as working on the comics "Starhammer" and "Topside" with writer J. N. Monk. It may be a month before the month of spook but that's OK. Settle in for a deep dive on how Bogosian creates demons, what makes them so funny, and a lot of talk about an under-discussed part of the drawing process: inking.

Soliciting Multiversity: Top 10 Manga for November 2020

By | Aug 27, 2020 | Columns

Turns out, when Previews World says “New Series Only” they mean volume 1’s only, and not all new books. Look, the site is hot garbage and I would like to not have to wade through a sea of reprints to find out which books are actually new, and not just the first volumes, but if I must suffer for my art, then so be it. Sorry about last month folks, I promise to have a more balanced catalog this time. Only nine vol. 1’s.


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