Bodies We Are One Another’s Ghosts Television 

Boomb Tube, The Week in Comic Book Television: 11/5-11/11/2023

By | November 13th, 2023
Posted in Television | % Comments

Welcome back to Boomb Tube! Here, we will be catching you up on the week in comics TV, both through micro-reviews, as well as links to our full-length TV reviews. We also tend to review series that are dropped all at once weekly so there are a few ‘older’ shows mixed in for good measure. Are we missing your favorite show? Let us know in the comments!

Bodies – “We Are One Another’s Ghosts” (E5, Netflix)

1890: Hillinghead has Harker brought in for questioning. He admits to being present the night Defoe’s body appeared, but claims he was merely frightened. Asking if they could be alone for a moment, Harker then blackmails Hillinghead with the compromising photos his men took, and orders him to frame Ashe for the crime, suggesting it will be the best way to protect his family from his affair.

1941: After meeting his rabbi for the first time in years, Whiteman comes clean to his superior Calloway, who reopens the investigation into Cozens’s death, and allows Whiteman to listen to all the communications coming in and out of the station to identify Esther’s killer. After tracing Polly to Harker and Co, Whiteman disobeys Calloway’s orders, and kidnaps her, taking her to the bombed out synagogue for a game of Russian roulette. Calloway arrives just in time to hear her confess, and places them both under arrest for murder. However, the police chief also appears, and has Calloway murdered to protect her. It’s a pretty sour turn of events to put it mildly, but at least we learn in the next time period that Harker was murdered in 1941, strongly implying Whiteman will still avenge Esther and Calloway during his final case.

2023: Hasan is rescued, but the bodies are gone, and Barber once again tries to close the book on the case. On learning Harker’s prints from 1890 match Elias’s, Hasan decides to meet him in juvenile detention, and ask about his birth parents to uncover the link. We learn his birth mother was a drug addict named Sarah, who gave him away when he was four. Hasan meets with her, and learns his father was Danny, the wealthy great-grandson of Harker, who pulled a disappearing act to avoid responsibility for the kid. On learning his surname, Hasan realizes Barber is Elias’s father, at which point he phones her with a veiled threat. That night, Hasan enters Barber’s home, where she finds a key and a vinyl message from Elias in 1941, informing her they’ll meet again.

2053: Maplewood is brought to an older Hasan, now the leader of Chapel Perilous. Hasan seems to have lost her faith along with her son in 2023, sporting tattoos, while no longer wearing a hijab. Iris proves to be stubborn, refusing to believe Mannix detonated the bomb 30 years ago, or that Hasan heard her name on a record that year, so she takes her to the Throat, the portal Mannix will use to start the loop in 1890. Chapel Perilous guards it in the hopes of preventing Mannix from doing so, but the loop still exists. Maplewood reveals she led the cops there, and Hasan almost kills her before Defoe intervenes, still believing she can be turned. Mannix enters, and Maplewood shows him the Throat. – Christopher Chiu-Tabet

Gen V – “Sick” (S1E7, Amazon Prime)

Back to reality, and now the crew has to find Dean Shetty and get Cate to make her reveal her plans to kill all supes to the world. Andre and Cate wait inside Shetty’s home as she makes her rounds in the city, trying to get some help finding out where supes off-the-radar could be with a familiar face from The Boys Grace Mallory. However, even though she’s slightly disgusted by Shetty’s experiments, she puts on a front to keep her interested and talking. Jordan and Marie go on the offensive with another strategy of talking to (another familiar face) Victoria Neuman. The only twist, other than a two-faced politician, is that once Marie has her one-on-one, it’s revealed that Neuman is her secret benefactor to getting into God U. Neuman has been tracking her since she got into Red River institution as a kid because they both have the shared blood-controlled powers. Marie tries to maintain focus by giving her all the information on the virus and The Woods. Still, her new political friend reminds her that being “good” comes at a cost, and everything she’s worked for can be taken away if she decides to go recklessly.

Continued below

Shetty finally goes home to find Cate alone. Andre had a family emergency when his dad had a stroke on television, and his uncontrolled powers were causing destruction all around him. The two bond as Shetty tells Cate she loves her and, despite her goals of killing those with superpowers, would protect her because she was the daughter she’d once lost. When the plan looks like it is going downhill, Cate gets everyone to Shetty’s house and forces them only to tell the truth and the reasoning behind her evil goals. Simply put, Homelander took down a plane with her husband and child and got away with it. Cate, with a controlled amount of rage and wanting to get her friends’ trust back, makes Shetty kill herself. Marie wants to try and help keep her alive but is shut down by Cate to try and end it once and for all.

That’s not even the final scene of the episode. Neuman has a secret meeting with Dr. Cardoso so he can give her the virus Shetty had him make to keep out of evil hands, only to have his head blown up as she drives away. – Alexander Manzo

Invincible – “A Lesson for Your Next Life” (S2E1, Amazon Prime)

In case you missed it, read our full review by James Dowling.

Invincible – “In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity To A Fish” (S2E2, Amazon Prime)

Read our full review by James Dowling.

Loki – “Science/Fiction” (S2E5, Disney+)

In case you missed it, read our full review by Robbie Pleasant.

Loki – “Glorious Purpose” (S2E6, Disney+)

Tune in later today to read our full review of the season finale by Robbie Pleasant.

Pluto – “Episode 3” (E3, Netflix)

Read our full review by Elias Rosner.

//TAGS | Bodies | Boomb Tube | Gen V

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