YiR Dan Mora Reader Poll 

Reader Poll: Which Artist Did the Best Work in 2022?

By | December 30th, 2022
Posted in Reader Poll | % Comments

Last week, we revealed our staff’s votes for the Best Artist of 2022, with Dan Mora (“Batman/Superman World’s Finest”) coming out on the top of our poll. However, we are only one piece of the puzzle: we want to know what you, our readers, think. So, who did your favorite work of 2022?

Much like we did for our Best Ongoing poll last week, we are putting up all of the artists that received at least 3 votes from our staff poll, which means that there are 24 artists to choose from. We’ve shuffled the order, so as to not show any favoritism towards any one creator. But this list is a pretty fun one: we’ve got folks doing OGNs, superhero work, horror, indie books, and more.

So, vote in the poll, use this as an excuse to get more familiar with some of these folks, and check back on Monday for the results!

And, from all of us at Multiversity to you, a happy, healthy, and comics-filled New Year!

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Brian Salvatore

Brian Salvatore is an editor, podcaster, reviewer, writer at large, and general task master at Multiversity. When not writing, he can be found playing music, hanging out with his kids, or playing music with his kids. He also has a dog named Lola, a rowboat, and once met Jimmy Carter. Feel free to email him about good beer, the New York Mets, or the best way to make Chicken Parmagiana (add a thin slice of prosciutto under the cheese).


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