Reader Poll 

What is Your Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing Comic?

By | January 19th, 2024
Posted in Reader Poll | % Comments

With the news this week that Jason Aaron is to relaunch IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series in July, we felt it was a good time to look back at the 40-year run of Turtles comics and ask our readers which ongoing iteration is their favorite.

We say ongoing specifically because, despite there being a slew of those too, if you counted miniseries, especially in the IDW era of microseries, there would just be too many for a poll that didn’t split the vote 4000 ways.

But there’s still a lot of variety here! From the gritty original Mirage book to the various animated adaptations to the ‘real time’ Image series, the Turtles are a surprisingly malleable concept for something that is so uniquely its own thing.

So, vote in our Reader Poll, and if you haven’t already, check out the series we did on the 30th anniversary ten years ago. Those were some fun interviews!

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Brian Salvatore

Brian Salvatore is an editor, podcaster, reviewer, writer at large, and general task master at Multiversity. When not writing, he can be found playing music, hanging out with his kids, or playing music with his kids. He also has a dog named Lola, a rowboat, and once met Jimmy Carter. Feel free to email him about good beer, the New York Mets, or the best way to make Chicken Parmagiana (add a thin slice of prosciutto under the cheese).


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