
NYCC ’19, Five Questions: What is Your Most Prized Article of Clothing?

By | January 2nd, 2020
Posted in Interviews | % Comments

At New York Comic Con this year, we ended a number of our interviews with a series of 5 random questions, designed to let you, our dear readers, learn more about the folks who make the comics you read each and every week. All day today, we’ll be unveiling the five questions we asked folks at New York Comic Con 2019.

We all have that old t-shirt or pair of comfy jeans that we would run into a burning house to save, right? Or maybe you’ve got a cap knitted by your grandmother, or your high school letterman’s jacket. Regardless of what the item is, we’re not judging you over it. In fact, we cant’ wait to find out what exactly are our creator pals’ most prized articles of clothing.

Thanks to all our staff and interviewees for their time and participation, and Happy New Year! We’ll see you in 10 months for NYCC 2020!

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