They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. While that might be true for prose, it’s not entirely true for comic books. Comic books are a visual medium and more times than not, it’s the art that draws you in. With so many comic books coming out these days, a cover that stands out from everything else on a wall of new releases can determine how well it sells. I know that I’ve picked up new titles solely based on the cover.
It is with that in mind that we bring you Face Value, a column where we will be looking at the best covers in comics, both new and old, every two weeks. This month, we’re looking at the the best of December 2017.

Mister Miracle #5 by Nick Derington
I’ve been waiting three months to put this cover in this column. The second it was solicited I squealed in joy because I loved it so much. Derington has seemingly come out of nowhere this year and just put out stellar work on a constant basis. This cover is adorable and celebrates this relationship in such a unique way. I love it. I wish all comic book covers were this charming.

Mister Miracle #5 by Mitch Gerads
I’m absolutely cheating here but “Mister Miracle” this month featured two fantastic covers that feature Barda and Scott. This one is adorable in a different way than Derington’s and I almost like it more. Barda is a tall and broad lady and Gerads lets her be that and celebrates it. He lets her be feminine and tough and this cover is so cute. It’s romantic and a little sexy.

Hawkeye #13 by Julian Totino Tedesco
“Hawkeye” has been a series with very strong and unique covers and I really like this one because it really does a nice job capturing the relationship between these two Hawkeyes. They’re messy and go back and forth all the time but there’s a deep bond here that is really unique to them. Tedesco gets all that in a really small space and I love it.

The Wicked + The Divine: Christmas Annual by Kris Anka
Kris Anka is the reigning king of sexy art in mainstream comics as far as I’m concerned. This issue was all fan service but what I really like about this cover is that it’s incredibly hot but not trashy. You can see and feel the passion from these two guys but it doesn’t make you feel gross for liking it the way some sexual art can. This is beautiful and full of energy and I need it on my wall immediately.

Assassinistas #1 by Gilbert Hernandez
Gilbert Hernandez does action comedy. Honestly, what more can you say? He’s a legend and I actually have this as a poster on my wall thanks to IDW giving them away at NYCC. Hernandez’s cover is fun, energetic and completely HIM and that’s why it’s so good.

Ms. Marvel #25 by Takeshi Miyazaki
One of the things modern superhero comics at the Big Two seem to forget is that their characters are heroes. That’s why I love this comic. As everyone else panics, Ms. Marvel runs towards the danger. She’s going to fight the bad guys and she’s going to protect everyone. Miyazaki gives us the perfect image of a modern day superhero being a superhero. It’s perfect.

WWE #12 by Carlos Magno
This is a wonderful cover for a WWE comic book. Know why? It doesn’t make Rikishi a joke. Rikishi, (despite everyone knowing him for the stink face and for being a lighthearted act), was actually a very accomplished champion on his own. He was a big guy who knew what to do with that size and it was actually a lot of fun watching him. This cover lets him be a champion and I like that. Magno just nails it completely.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Storms of Crait #1 by Marco Checchetto
Like any good American, I loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi so I am all about anything tying into that. Without spoiling things, I’m really excited that this cover is all Leia and Luke on this planet in particular. Checchetto is always so good and this cover is enticing and really just gorgeous.
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Rumble #1 by David Rubin and Dave Stewart
David Rubin can do no wrong and when you factor in Dave Stewart, it’s physically impossible for the finished work to be anything less than stellar. This is a busy and detailed cover and it made me pick this book up. I didn’t know anything about it and now I’m obsessed.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #27 by Mike and Laura Allred
The Allreds draw Squirrel Girl and Silver Surfer hanging out. Do I need to say anymore?