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Shelf Bound Auction: Week 6 Preview!

By | June 1st, 2020
Posted in Columns | % Comments

The final week of the Shelf Bound Charity Auction has begun! We still have one last Week 5 auction open (the second volume of the I Is For Image anthology) so before you see what’s coming up, make sure to check that out before 4pm EST today if you haven’t already.

All the auction proceeds for this series have gone to comics-related charities. As of when I’m typing this, we’ve raised $2,750 through the 24 auctions completed so far. Thanks go out to everyone who’s participated in the bidding so far; even if you didn’t walk away with the bind, you’ve done some real good for folks in need right now.

Let’s see how much MORE we can send their way with this week’s batch of binds!

In no particular order:

Image Heroics (aka I Is For Image, Vol. 3)
The Rocketeer by Dave Stevens & Friends
The Hulk by Peter David & Company (3 volumes)
The Flash by Waid/LaRocque/Wieringo (2 volumes) (benefitting the Mike Wieringo Scholarship Fund)
DC's Strange Sci-Fi Adventures

Check back every day to see which of these binds is the next up for auction, and good luck getting the bind you want from my shelf — to yours!

//TAGS | Shelf Bound

Greg Matiasevich

Greg Matiasevich has read enough author bios that he should be better at coming up with one for himself, yet surprisingly isn't. However, the years of comic reading his parents said would never pay off obviously have, so we'll cut him some slack on that. He lives in Baltimore, co-hosts (with Mike Romeo) the Robots From Tomorrow podcast, writes Multiversity's monthly Shelf Bound column dedicated to comics binding, and can be followed on Twitter at @GregMatiasevich.


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