2000-AD-Art-Stars News 

“2000 AD” Launches Art Stars Competition

By | May 9th, 2018
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Long-running British weekly sci-fi anthology “2000 AD” and Rebellion Publishing are looking for new talent, in a newly created “2000 AD Art Stars” competition. The “2000 AD Art Stars” will kick off with applicants submitting art of “2000 AD”’s most iconic character: Judge Dredd.

This will make a change to how they normally seek artists, “2000 AD” usually specifically seek artists to contribute to their “Star Scans” section, but this competition merely requires a single-image “pin-up” illustration of the anthology’s characters. “’2000 AD’ has a four-decade legacy of finding some of the biggest talents in comic books and we’re always on the hunt for new creators,” said editor Matt Smith. “Our usual open submissions are solely for sequential work, but ‘2000 AD All Stars’ is a simple, direct way for budding artists to show off their skills and impress both of us and our readers.”

Smith said “2000 AD” is hoping for “interesting, polished pin-ups that show knowledge of the character, a good appreciation for the anatomy and perspective, and a strong confident style.” The winner will be chosen by Matt Smith and the artists will be paid, if their work is selected for publication. Entries are open now and submissions will be accepted until September 9th. The runner up will be chosen through a fan vote, their prize will be “2000 AD” graphic novels.

“2000 AD Art Stars” is a planned ongoing opportunity, with new competitions being announced every four months. Full details on how to enter, and terms and conditions are on 2000 AD’s website.

Richard Pennifold

When Richard isn’t writing, he likes reading Comics, some of his favourites include “Hellboy,” & “The Hellblazer.” He lives in the U.K, and loves watching horror movies & TV Shows. You can find him on Twitter at @R_Pennifold.