Image Comics have announced “Pulp,” a new graphic novel by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Sean Phillips. Set for release in May, the book takes place during the 1930s and follows Max Winters, a pulp magazine writer specializing in westerns who finds himself hunted by “bank robbers, Nazi spies, and enemies from his past.”
Brubaker said in the press release, “When Sean and I decided to do something completely new for our next original graphic novel, he planted the idea of a Western in my head… And I found myself drawn to the era where that genre first hit big—the pulp magazines and the Great Depression. I thought about all these writers telling fictionalized versions of the vanishing days of the Wild West, as their own world was going through one of its darkest hours… And suddenly I realized I had the makings of a really great pulp story, but one set in the real world. A story that I really wanted to tell.”
Phillips added, “I asked Ed to write me a Western and this is as close as he could get. Hopefully I don’t have to draw too many horses. Or hats. Or six-shooters. What was I thinking?”
“Pulp” is the latest original graphic novel from the “Criminal” creative pair, following “My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies” and “Bad Weekend.” It will be released in hardcover in comics shops on May 20, and in bookstores on May 26.