
C2E2 ’19: Hickman Writing X-Men, Aaron and Ewing on “Valkyrie,” and More at Marvel’s Next Big Thing Panel

By | March 23rd, 2019
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Marvel have announced at their Next Big Thing panel at C2E2 that Jonathan Hickman will be writing two new X-Men titles for the company, “House of X,” and “Powers of X.” Both titles, illustrated by Pepe Larraz, R.B. Silva, and colorist Marte Gracia, will begin in July and release on an alternating weekly schedule. Our correspondent Matthew Ledger was live on the scene, where it was also revealed Jason Aaron and Al Ewing will be co-writing a “Valkyrie” series spinning out of ‘War of the Realms’: read his live-tweet of the panel after the jump.

Correction: colorist Marte Gracia is misspelled Marte Garcia.

Continued below

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Matthew Ledger

Matt's a professional writer who started comics with "Batman Adventures" and now reads just about anything. You can find more of his work at Matt Reads Comics, Matt Plays Magic, and the short story collection 500 x 50. He's on Twitter as @mat_ledge.


  • Unstoppable-Wasp-1-Featured-Girihiru Interviews
    C2E2 2019: “Unstoppable Wasp” Writer Jeremy Whitley Talks Mental Illness and Representation

    By | Apr 8, 2019 | Interviews

    This interview first appeared Saturday, April 6th, 2019, on the most recent episode of the Make Mine Multiversity podcast, which you can find here.Writer Jeremy Whitley is in his second volume now with the new Wasp in the Marvel Universe, Nadia van Dyne telling stories about science, empowerment, mental illness, hope, and so many other […]

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