DC-Primal-Age-100-Page-Giant-featured News 

DC Launch Target Exclusive “DC Primal Age 100-Page Giant”

By | January 18th, 2019
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Cover by Jon Bodganove

DC Comics have announced the “DC Primal Age 100-Page Giant,” a Target exclusive issue to launch their new toyline, DC’s Primal Age. The toyline, produced by DC in partnership with Funko, reimagines the most prolific DC characters in a fantasy setting. Writer Marv Wolfman (“The New Teen Titans”) and artist Scott Koblish (“Deadpool”) created the main story for the issue, which pits the Justice League against the Joker. In addition to this, Louise Simonson (“New Mutants”) and Jerry Ordway (“Superman”) respectively wrote two additional short stories for the issue, featuring artwork from Brent Anderson (“X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills”), Chuck Patton (“Justice League of America”), and Phil Winslade (“The Flash”). Wolfman also contributes a fifth and final story illustrated by Keith Pollard (“Fantastic Four”).

In an interview about the giant-sized issue, Wolfman described being introduced to the toyline and said that he “loved the silly idea of these short and squat DC heroes being re-conceived as super-powered sword and sorcery heroes, and just looking at the toys I knew writing it could be a lot of fun for me.” He noted how he’s tried to inject a “faux-1980s feel” into the comic and decided to “use the chapter framework of the old Justice League of America stories, where each hero had his or her own chapter before teaming up against the bad guys.” Finally, Wolfman promised “The beauty of the 100-page ‘DC Primal Age’ one-shot is all the stories within are done in one. You won’t need to buy a hundred or more books to get the entire story.”

“DC Primal Age 100-Page Giant” is available now from Target alongside Funko’s toyline.

Luke Cornelius

Luke is an English and American Literature and Creative Writing graduate. He likes spending his time reading comics (obviously), going out on long walks and watching films/TV series.