
Exclusive Cover Reveal: “A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants” #2

By | May 11th, 2022
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Marvel’s Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals crossover “A.X.E.: Judgment Day,” which kicks off on July 20, marks the first time “Eternals” and “Immortal X-Men” scribe Kieron Gillen has overseen an event storyline; not only that, but he’ll also be writing a three-issue tie-in miniseries, “A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants,” which will further flesh out the Eternals’ war on mutantkind. We are proud to present an exclusive first look at the cover, provided by Esad Ribić, and synopsis for the second issue, due out this summer:

Art by Esad Ribić

Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Guiu Vilanova
Colored by Dijjo Lima

The Celestials said “Correct excess deviation.” Now the hour of judgment is upon the Eternals. Have they done enough? And does overcompensating at this late hour make it better, or make it worse?

Thanks to Marvel for the cover reveal, and be sure to pre-order a copy of “A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants” #1 ahead of its release on August 17, as well as the subsequent issues this summer. ‘A.X.E.: Judgment Day’ as a whole will run across as various Marvel titles, along with its eponymous main six-issue series, during the latter half of 2022, and you can read a checklist of what was solicited for July here.

Christopher Chiu-Tabet

Chris was the news manager of Multiversity Comics. A writer from London on the autistic spectrum, he enjoys talking about his favourite films, TV shows, books, music, and games, plus history and religion. He is Lebanese/Chinese, although he can't speak Cantonese or Arabic. He continues to rundown comics news on Ko-fi: give him a visit (and a tip if you like) there.