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Image Comics Announces “Bliss”

By | March 2nd, 2020
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Cover by Caitlin Yarsky

Image Comics have announced a new dark urban fantasy maxiseries called “Bliss,” which will reunite the creative pair behind “Coyotes:” writer Sean Lewis and artist Caitlin Yarsky. It will consist of two series arcs.

The series will be set in Feral City, where a drug called Bliss wipes away memories. It will follow as a young man who tries to maintain the wellbeing of his sickly child and distressed wife by becoming the personal hitman to three gods.

In the press release, the series is described as Breaking Bad meets American Gods. Lewis described the personal side to the story: “I grew up seeing people getting addicted to things: drugs, success, sex… it always seemed to be about forgetting deeper pains.” He said he “spent some of my life trying to forget my dad through these means,” but now that he is a father himself, he started to ask questions such as “how could that cycle break? And what happens to all these memories we push away? What if the Goddess Lethe was real? What if she is who we answered to?”

Yarsky added that we turn to “self destructive coping mechanisms” as we “become more burdened with memories of our past mistakes and misfortunes,” and closed by describing the series as being “about what happens when we pull ourselves out of the wreckage. It’s about finding redemption through self-actualization and love.”

“Bliss” #1 will be released on June 24.

Luke Cornelius

Luke is an English and American Literature and Creative Writing graduate. He likes spending his time reading comics (obviously), going out on long walks and watching films/TV series.