Jenny Zero issue 1 featured News 

Dark Horse Announces “Jenny Zero”

By | January 20th, 2021
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Cover by Magenta King
Via The Beat, Dark Horse Comics have announced “Jenny Zero,” a four-part superhero comic from writers Dave Dwonch and Brockton McKinney, and artists Magenta King and Megan Huang. The book stars Jenny Tetsuo, “the hard-drinking, hard-partying daughter of the beloved superhero Mega Commander Zero.” Famous for being famous, Jenny is a military washout living with her best friend, hotel heiress and publicist Dana. When catastrophe strikes though, “Jenny must decide if she can give up her life and become the hero the world needs.”

McKinney said the book was conceived as a fun comic book “simply for fun’s sake,” but that it also explores “themes of self-responsibility, parental contrition, and the idea that no one but yourself can define who you are. All that, set against the backdrop of off-the-wall characters and otherworldly creatures.” McKinney and Dwonch previously worked together at Action Lab Entertainment, where Dwonch, who co-founded the company, served as creative director, while McKinney wrote comics like “Ehmm Theory” and “Zoe Dare.” The book marks Brazilian artist Magenta King’s first work for a major US publisher, while Huang previously illustrated “Jia and the Nian Monster,” an all-ages graphic novel written by Dark Horse publisher Mike Richardson.

The comic is the latest tokusatsu-inspired series from an American publisher announced in the past year, following Marvel’s acquisition of the Ultraman rights. Dwonch described the book as “combining the sense of legacy found in the DCU with the kitschiness of the 1960s Ultraman series and the over-the-top action of the John Wick films.” The cover depicts Jenny in the aftermath of a fight with a kaiju-esque monster, and her surname Tetsuo evokes the cyberpunk body horror film series of the same name.

“Jenny Zero” #1 will be released on April 14.

Christopher Chiu-Tabet

Chris was the news manager of Multiversity Comics. A writer from London on the autistic spectrum, he enjoys talking about his favourite films, TV shows, books, music, and games, plus history and religion. He is Lebanese/Chinese, although he can't speak Cantonese or Arabic. He continues to rundown comics news on Ko-fi: give him a visit (and a tip if you like) there.