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Smithsonian and IDW Announce Graphic Novel Plans

By | January 8th, 2020
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Artwork by Nate Powell

The Smithsonian Institution and IDW Publishing have announced plans to collaborate on educational graphic novels, as well as coloring books for all ages and picture books for young readers.

The first series planned as part of the partnership will be aimed at middle-school readers, and is inspired by the National Museum of American History’s “Time Trials” video series. The “Time Trials” series introduced audiences to historical figures such as the traitor Benedict Arnold and abolitionist John Brown, and then encouraged people to discuss their actions. Other series will draw from the Smithsonian’s cultural and scientific knowledge. Creative teams for the projects have not been detailed at this time.

In a statement, IDW’s president, publisher and chief creative officer Chris Ryall declared, “The most energizing thing about working with the Smithsonian’s curators, researchers and zookeepers is that these are not just experts in their fields: they’re storytellers.” He continued by envisioning that the collaboration will harness “the unique power of comics to entertain, inspire and educate readers of all ages about the wonders of history, science, technology, culture and more.”

IDW Publishing have previously published their own graphic novels focusing on major events and people, much like this initiative, such as Congressman John Lewis’s story, “March,” and George Takei’s graphic memoir, “They Called Us Enemy.”

The first in the unnamed “Time Trials” inspired series is set to released this Fall.

Luke Cornelius

Luke is an English and American Literature and Creative Writing graduate. He likes spending his time reading comics (obviously), going out on long walks and watching films/TV series.