Welcome to Make Mine Multiversity: A Marvel Podcast! Each episode we will look at the pressing Marvel news, review some current titles, television shows, or movies, or take a look at celebrated stories from Marvel’s past.

The MMM team of Kevin Gregory and Nick Palmieri are on deck for this special episode to review the first issue of “War of the Realms” and give you all the Marvel news of this spring con season, like Jonathan Hickman coming to the X-Men. At the end of the episode you can also find Kevin’s interview with “Unstoppable Wasp” writer Jeremy Whitley from C2E2.
Thoughts on the show, or about Marvel Comics in general? Share them on Twitter using the hashtag #MakeMineMultiversity. You can find Kevin on Twitter at @kbgregory13, Nick at @NPalmieriWrites, and Jess at @JessCamNJ. We’ll be back in a few weeks for more Marvel content!
The show is available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and other places so please subscribe! You can also listen above or download it here.