It’s the middle of the month, so it’s time for “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece!” In this month’s episode we cover chapters 768-801, finally wrapping up the epic Dressrosa arc. We backtrack a little bit to talk about the true highlight of Dressrosa: the Franky/Señor Pink fight. Some other stuff happens, too, but that’s really the highlight of Dressrosa, and maybe of One Piece as a whole. We’ll be back in a month or so to cover chapters 802-830, covering the entirety of the Zou arc and the very beginning of the Whole Cake Island arc. As always, you can read along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag on Twitter. In the meantime Walt and Emily will be back in a few weeks to discuss March in Shonen Jump.
Don’t forget to check out our weekly check ins on Shonen Jump, Wednesdays at 2pm. Check out our full archives here.
Follow our hosts on Twitter, @wilkerfox, @cosmosofcourse, and @goodbyetoashoe.
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