After 37 issues, to call Matt Kindt’s “Mind MGMT” an ‘accomplishment’ almost feels like an understatement. Kindt not only wrote, penciled, inked, colored and lettered the entire series, he also provided covers, back-up strips, supplemental material, a litany of secrets, and fake back page ads for every issue. With “New MGMT” #1, the final issue of the series, hitting shelves next week, we wanted to take some time to talk with Kindt about coming to the end of such a monumental project. There’s also a bit of chatter about his new series “Department H,” revisiting old works, and thinking about Spider-Man while falling asleep.
[audio:](direct download)Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.