RushCon Creative Director Jillian Maryonovich Podcasts 

Robots From Tomorrow: Episode 761 – Talking Fandom with RushCon’s Jillian Maryonovich, Part 1

By | July 29th, 2021
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Robots From Tomorrow podcast

Robots is a show built on being a fan of something. While the fandom in question is usually comics, today’s episode deviates from the norm a bit as Greg kicks off a 2-part chat with Jillian Maryonovich about fandom in general and their shared passion for the Canadian rock trio Rush. in particular.

Jillian was not only in the front row for Rush’s final show ever, but has appeared in two documentaries about the band. In her capacity as Creative Director for RushCon, she has spent years helping fans make memories and new connections over a shared love of the group and its music. She is also not a stranger to tours of a different sort, having been on staff for the political campaigns of Pete Buttigeig and one Barack Hussein Obama, including four years as the White House Creative Director during President Obama’s second term. She may not have come up with the title “Rush Fan in Chief” but we think it’s as apt a description as any.

(direct download)

Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. Stay safe and enjoy your funny books.

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Greg Matiasevich

Greg Matiasevich has read enough author bios that he should be better at coming up with one for himself, yet surprisingly isn't. However, the years of comic reading his parents said would never pay off obviously have, so we'll cut him some slack on that. He lives in Baltimore, co-hosts (with Mike Romeo) the Robots From Tomorrow podcast, writes Multiversity's monthly Shelf Bound column dedicated to comics binding, and can be followed on Twitter at @GregMatiasevich.


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