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Exclusive: “House Girls” Chapter 3

By | May 30th, 2016
Posted in Previews | % Comments

For those who don’t know, Stela is the new comic reading app optimized for the mobile iOS with content exclusive to their service. Readers can pay a monthly fee for access to exclusive and quality creator owned comics, designed specifically for the mobile device. One of those comics is “House Girls” from Sandra Lanz. The sci-fi themed series follows the story of Behl and her fellow scientist on a isolated colony on the surface of a harsh and unforgiving planet and a mysterious sentient substance at the center of all of it.

Stela has provided Multiveristy with an exclusive preview at Chapter 3 in the series. With all Stela series, the first issues is available free to read to sample and explore the series on your own. To learn more about Stela, check out their website, and to learn more about the series and the creator Sandra Lanz check out a recent interview with did with her on “House Girls” here.

Kyle Welch