Tomorrow, Vault Comics releases the first collection of “The Necromancer’s Map.” The series, a follow-up to “Songs for the Dead,” launched back in August. We are thrilled to share the entire first issue of the series ahead of the collection’s release.
Written by Andrea Fort and Michael Christopher HeronCover by Sam Beck
Illustrated by Sam Beck
Colored by Ellie Wright
Lettered by Deron Bennett
Designed by Tim DanielA new standalone Songs for the Dead story: Bethany, the necromancer with a heart of gold, and Elissar, her prone-to-brawling companion, are off to find the Covenant-a sanctuary for Bethany’s otherwise reviled magic. Unfortunately, their map makes no sense. Seeking the help of a young wizard named Jonas, whose knowledge may unravel the map’s secrets, Bethany and Elissar discover a mysterious illness plaguing The Foggard temple, home to the ancient order of mages. Double-unfortunately, Bethany and Elissar are not on the best of terms following the recent and violent encounter at Boulder’s Envy.
Thank you to Vault for the preview, and make sure to pick up the collection at finer comic and book stores everywhere!