
LOST – 6×10 – "The Package"

By | March 31st, 2010
Posted in Reviews | % Comments

“A wise man once said that Crit was going to recap “The Package” and tell the world about a theory he has. I think it can be read below.”
Overall, this was a decent episode, and the pieces on either side are falling into place. The ending, however, gets an A+ from me.

Jin gets his watch back at the airport, but can’t have his $25,000 until he fills out some paperwork to declare it. He says that Mr. Paik gave him the money and the watch to deliver at a meeting at a restaurant which he had now missed.

FLocke goes to Jin to try to appeal to his emotions as he’s done to Sawyer, Kate and Claire already. This brings me back to the chess promo…he’s on one side of the game, and he’s aligning his pieces, pulling a Ben Linus and finding out what they’re invested in and exploiting it. He even lied to Claire later in the episode when he said that Kate’s name wasn’t on the wall. (For those who don’t know, the producers have said that it was there, that scene was just edited in a way that left it out. Plus, we did see her name on the compass in the lighthouse.) He also put the idea in her head that she might be able to kill Kate when he says that he just needs her to help get the other people he needs on the plane, but after that, “whatever happens, happens.” Again, he’s continuing to tell people what they want to hear in order to stay on his side of this chess match. He leaves, and right after that, Zoe and crew use tranquilizer darts to put everyone in Locke’s camp to sleep and they take Jin with them.

Sayid says he can’t feel anything, FLocke tells him that’s best to help him get through what’s coming. Well, that’s ominous. FLocke goes to Sun who’s tending to her old garden, and says he would never make her do anything against her will, but he was asking her to come along. She runs away and right into a tree, and when she passes out, he doesn’t pick her up and take her. This, in addition to his comment about never making her do anything against her will seems very curious. Why not? Is it a “rule” that he can’t?

In the sideways, Sun and Jin aren’t married, but she still had the same plan: run away. She just waited til they were already in LA to tell Jin about it. Is this another hint that no matter what happens in between, these characters have arcs that the events in the middle can change but the end result is the same? After a knock at the door, Jin hides and Sun looks at herself in the mirror just as all the other sideways-centric characters have. Who’s at the door? Keamy. That spells trouble.

Jin wakes up in Room 23. After he gets a brief subliminal messaging show, Zoe shows up with some grid maps that he signed from back in his Dharma days. He wants to talk to Widmore, who also wants to talk to him.

Ben finds Sun knocked out under the tree that she slammed into, and she’s speaking Korean. Somehow, she’s forgotten English. This plays into my theory that you’ll get later.

Sun gives Keamy the watch, and asks for the money. He refers to Jin as her “bodyguard.” Keamy notices there is a champagne glass on either side of the bed, so his partner checks the bathroom and finds Jin standing there. He can’t understand what either Jin or Sun are saying, so he asks for Mikhail who can translate. Mikhail comes to the hotel, with twice as many eyes as he had the last time we saw him. The deal is that Mikhail will take Sun to the bank to get the money and Jin will go with Keamy to the restaurant.

Richard returns to the beach camp with Hurley and says “pack your bags, we’re leaving.” I guess his faith in the island has been restored with help from ghost Isabella and Hurley.

Continued below

FLocke heads over to Hydra Island, but can’t go beyond the beach, as the sonic fence has been set up. Charles Widmore stands on the other side of the fence, but he’s not there for tea and scones. FLocke says he wants Jin, Widmore says he has not idea what he’s talking about. FLocke then delivers what I think is an all-time great line: “A wise man once said that war was coming to this island. I think it just got here.” Shit just got real, as the kids says.

Richard says they need to get to Hydra Island and destroy the plane to stop FLocke from escaping. Sun throws a temper tantrum and says she will not help him with that mission, because she wants to find her husband and fly home.

Mikhail and Sun go to the bank to find out that her account has been closed by her father, even though she thought she was the only one who knew it existed.

Keamy ties Jin up in the refrigerator that we saw him in earlier this season and says that the $25,000 that Jin brought to LA was his payment for “popping” Jin and that the cardinal rule of working for Mr. Paik was not to touch his daughter.

We then learn that Zoe is a geophysicist, which might explain why she was interested in the grid maps that showed where the electromagnetic pockets were on the island. Widmore gives Jin a camera that he found in Sun’s luggage on the Ajira plane; it has pictures of Ji Yeon on it. They have both been kept from their daughters, so they have something in common. He then explains that he came to the island to make sure that FLocke doesn’t escape. Just as FLocke appeals to the emotions of those he needs on his side, Widmore does the same. Again, the chess promo comes to mind. The pieces are slowly being aligned.

Sayid opens the fridge to find Jin, as we saw previously this season. He gives Jin a box cutter to free himself and leaves. Just then, Mikhail enters with Sun. He draws his gun, peeks around the corner and sees the aftermath of Sayid’s killing spree. Keamy is squirming on the floor, and as Mikhail leans down to ask him what happened, Jin puts a gun to the back of his neck. Mikhail turns around and tries to fight him off, and during this scuffle, Sun is accidentally shot. Jin then shoots Mikhail right in the eye. Some people are just not meant to have two eyes, I guess. He grabs Sun, and as they leave she tells him that she’s pregnant. We know from before that Jin was always sterile. Is this not true in the sideways story, or is Sun pregnant by another man?

Jack goes to Sun who’s sitting on the beach, and he gives her a notepad and pen so she can write down what she has to say. He also brings her a stubborn tomato from her garden. She tells Jack that FLocke told her that he had Jin but she didn’t go with him because she doesn’t trust him. Jack asks her if she trusts him, and she nods. He tells her that if she comes with them, he’ll help her find Jin and fly far away from the island.

FLocke returns to his camp without Jin, and he tells Sawyer that Sayid went to find out who was locked up in the submarine, because he doesn’t like secrets. In the final scene, Sayid arrives at the sub just in time to see that the man in the box was Mr. Desmond Hume. Hell yeah, brotha. I’ve missed Des, and I am excited for his story next week.

Now, here’s my theory.
We know that Desmond is “special” and that the “rules don’t apply” to him thanks to our old friend Faraday. Damon Lindelof tweeted just after the episode: In one week, the conversation is going to change. I think that Desmond is the link between the two timelines, and his return to the island will in some way sync them together. Damon has mentioned many times how he’s heard so much negative feedback about the sideways stories that maybe they’ll be ending after next week? For some reason, I got that feeling. Now, that’s not very scientific and I really don’t have anything to back it up, but that’s my crazy theory. I am wondering, however, if Sun forgetting how to speak English is the first sign of this. Only time will tell.


Crit Obara

Crit Obara is a longtime friend of Matthew's. He previously covered LOST for MC, and now co-writes MGA Study Hall. He is the man behind the curtain of and you can follow him on Twitter @crittweets.


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