
Five Thoughts on Harley Quinn’s “So, You Need a Crew?”

By | December 16th, 2019
Posted in Television | % Comments

A new week brings us a new episode of the incomparable Harley Quinn. New heroes, new villains, and the C-word in Episode 3 “So You Need A Crew?”. Minor spoilers ahead.

1. Oh, so bad guys have a temp agency. Duh.
We all had to wonder at one point or another; where are all those hired goons coming from? The most straightforward answer is usually the correct one. A temp agency, fully equipped with the most generic name possible (Underworld Talent Inc.) and a couple of slick-talking agents willing to sell you any meat shield you desire. They even blacklist people! Is there no honor among thieves? Or the agents who rep those thieves?

2. This is the true Gotham City
It is going to seem like I am harping on a subject but this Gotham City makes all the sense in the world. It’s no wonder Commissioner Gordan is a manic mess or that Batman even exists. The entire city is obsessed with villains. The “bads guys” seem to occupy so many aspects of people’s daily lives. From day time talk shows to full-on press conferences. There is a case to be made that day time tv is already inherently evil but I digress. This Gotham is a morally bankrupt crap hole having fun with its messed up citizens. I am all on board with it. I won’t mention it again. Probably.

3. Drinking deeply of the DC character well
A few new, obscure characters make their debut along with the DC trio of Wonder Woman and her square-jawed compatriots Batman and Superman. Characters such as KGBeast, Maxie Zeus, Tawny Young, and Queen of Fables. I fancy myself pretty knowledgable of DC characters, but I had to look up Queen of Fables. The series continues to promote the most obscure characters in the DC Universe. It is quickly becoming an index of all the characters you didn’t know about. And in case you were wondering, yes, that really is the actual Queen of Fables backstory in the episode. A law book is the meanest thing to trap someone in. Shame on you, Zatana.

4. Clayface is having all the fun
Clayface is a joy. I never thought I would have a reason to write or think that. He is chewing up every single one of his scenes, making the most of his transformation powers. We can’t overlook his exaggerated thespian accent, which I am all in for. Clayface will make any part he is given the role of a lifetime. This is a prime example of the Harley Quinn series having a great time exploring the quirks of the cast.

5. Harley scores a win
There are only so many times you can watch your hero take an L before you wonder why you are even paying attention. Thankfully our favorite clown queen of criminal activity finally got one hell of a win. While her rise to criminal royalty is rather abrupt, happening all in the third act of the episode, it is nice to see Harley’s name in infamy. Glass ceiling my ass, if you put your mind to it, you too can have a highway named after you.

//TAGS | Harley Quinn

Carl Waldron

Carl Waldron is a father, creator, and life-long nerd. You can find him arguing the rules of different magical franchises with friends or indoctrinating his daughter into the world of comics. Follow his other works on Super. Black.


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