
Five Thoughts on Star Trek: Prodigy‘s “Asylum”

By | October 28th, 2022
Posted in Television | % Comments

In the wake of the mid-season cliffhanger, the crew of the Protostar continues their adventures seeking to help those in need along the way to Federation space. We get an exciting aquatic cold open during one of these rescue missions that nearly breaks the Prime Directive. Once the gang is back on board the ship, a little bit of catch up on how everyone has been doing in the last few weeks is revealed through Dal’s captain’s log.

1. Taking That Stroll Down Memory Lane

Before getting into the meat of the episode, Dal’s narration takes us through the ship in a nice little montage that feels like classic Trek. As the crew continues to find their place on the ship, the most notable updates are on Gwyn’s damaged memories after seeing Zero’s true form in episode 10, and Dal’s growth and greater understanding of himself and his place not only on the ship, but in Starfleet, and the galaxy. It’s a perfectly constructed reintroduction to these crews and it made me even happier to be back with them.

2. The Worst Position in Starfleet?

The Protostar finally comes across their first bit of Federation contact as they dock at CR-721, a comms relay/space station and encounter the eccentric and clearly burnt-out officer, Barniss Frex residing within. Once again donning their cadet uniforms and giving a rambling and unflattering description of what they’ve been up to, the crew let’s him know they want to join Starfleet. It’s always an interesting balance between humorous and disheartening when Star Trek introduces far off stations and lone Starfleet officers in desolate areas. Frex is a funny, frazzled type guy, but it’s clear he has no love for his current job, even if he is loyal to the Federation.

3. Origins in Sight

Scanning in the crew, Frex gives each of the crew either an interesting bit of information about themselves or is completely nonplussed about their species. He is shocked by Gwyn’s species being unlisted, but when Dal walks through the scanner, Frex gets a message he’s never seen before. It is both an unsettling and uplifting moment. Whatever Dal is, Starfleet requests immediate contact regarding his species, but it is also clear they know his origins. Dal is overjoyed that he will finally learn where he comes from, but as a viewer you can’t help but be wary of what dark purpose Starfleet Command may have for keeping his species some sort of top-level secret. It stinks of upper command keeping things in the dark for “the greater good” and/or Section 31. It’s nice knowing that Dal is on the path to closure, hopefully he find what he’s looking for, but it feels like there will be no easy answers for him, like Gwyn. We get a deeper look at Gwyn’s returning memories and we come to the realization just as she does that she was created as a weapon and she may not be a strictly organic being. There are surely going to be some major reveals regarding her backstory before this season is done.

4. Cowardice Has No Place in Starfleet

While on the station, the unimaginable happens (no spoilers here), taking the the mysteries surrounding the Protostar and every one of these characters to new heights. The danger and horror of what is unfolding is palpable, and for a moment our heroes feel to be in real peril. I love watching these characters come together to overcome dire situations. It’s carrying on the Trek tradition of having those of all walks of life team up and be the best versions of themselves. It is uplifting to say the least. This whole section of the episode is an exciting sequence that leaves Frex, who was friendly at the start, looking cowardly, giving us a better understanding why he was probably given this terrible position. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets reassigned to Starbase 80.

5. Voyage[r]

The B plot revolves around Admiral Janeway still attempting to discover what exactly happened to Chakotay when he took the Protostar into the Delta Quadrant in the first place. It’s a great bit of mystery and lore expansion for these legacy characters and the episode’s cliffhanger brings Janeway and her away team colliding with the danger pursuing the Protostar crew. For long time fans, seeing this recording of Janeway and Chakotay interacting as old friends should hit the nostalgia part of your brain quite hard. Until this series we have only known these characters as they looked twenty years ago. We have gotten a lot of our beloved characters at 20+ years older recently and adding just a few of the Voyager crew to that list brought that same bittersweet feeling. It’s also exciting to think about where this plot will go and how it will intermingle with the cadets’s stories.

A strong return to this series that has a little bit of something for everyone. It, at once, ups the stakes for all involved and continues to evolve the show’s format allowing it to grow on its own while staying firmly planted within the world of Star Trek we all know, and love.

//TAGS | star trek prodigy

Christopher Egan

Chris lives in New Jersey with his wife, daughter, two cats, and ever-growing comic book and film collection. He is an occasional guest on various podcasts, writes movie reviews on his own time, and enjoys trying new foods. He can be found on Instagram. if you want to see pictures of all that and more!


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