Author Archives: Robbie Pleasant

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Batman Off-World featured Reviews
“Batman: Off-World” #1

By | Nov 24, 2023 | Reviews

Batman is primarily a street-level hero, fighting villains and gangs in the streets of Gotham. Sure, he’s been known to battle against planetary or multiversal threats when they arise along with the rest of the Justice League, but he still tends to stick to planet Earth more often than not. So what happens when you […]

The Marvels featured MoviesReviews
The Marvels

By | Nov 14, 2023 | Movies, Reviews

By now, you might have heard that The Marvels is underperforming at the box office and wondering if it’s just not worth seeing. Well, that low performance is a huge shame, because The Marvels is one of the best movies this side of Endgame. It’s fun, it’s filled with great action, and it gives all […]

Punisher #1 featured Reviews
“Punisher” #1

By | Nov 9, 2023 | Reviews

Frank Castle is dead. Long live the Punisher. Well, for however long this new one lasts, at least. Yes, with Frank’s story wrapped up (for now) in an excellent run by Jason Aaron, it’s time for a new character to pick up where he left off and carry out a bloody campaign against every criminal […]

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This Week in Shonen Jump: Week of 10/29/23

By | Nov 1, 2023 | Columns

Welcome to This Week in Shonen Jump, our weekly check in on Viz’s various Shonen Jump series. Viz has recently changed their release format, but our format will mostly remain the same. We will still review the newest chapters of one title a week, now with even more options at our disposal. The big change […]

Alan Scott the Green Lantern #1 featured Reviews
“Alan Scott: The Green Lantern” #1

By | Oct 27, 2023 | Reviews

When people think of the original Green Lantern, there are those who will think of Hal Jordan, while those who were introduced to the character through the Justice League animated series may think of John Stewart. But the true original Green Lantern is Alan Scott, from the Golden Age of Comics and member of the […]

Loki 1893 Television
Five Thoughts on Loki’s “1893”

By | Oct 23, 2023 | Television

On to episode 3 of Loki season 2, featuring the return of several key characters from season 1. The TVA is in trouble, Miss Minutes and Ravonna have disappeared, and Loki… is still Loki. So let’s take a look at the key developments and themes of this episode. 1. Contingency Plans When Sylvie killed He […]


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