
Where to Find Multiversity Alumni Online

By | May 31st, 2024
Posted in Columns | % Comments

Hey folks,

We would like to, once again, thank you all for your support of Multiversity over the past 15 years. The lovely comments we’ve received over the last month have been truly overwhelming, and we want you to know that we’ve read and appreciated all of them. Y’all are the best.

Even though today is our last ‘official’ day, there may be a handful of new pieces popping up. There are some loose ends for long running columns, maybe a movie review or two, or a ‘too late for the 5/31 deadline’ retrospective piece coming in, but for the most part we will be done today. However, many of our staffers are still doing comics-related stuff this summer and beyond. We are dedicating 100% of our Multiversity Twitter activity this summer to updating folks on new work from our alumni, so keep following us there.

– our news editor, Christopher Chiu-Tabet, is taking his fantastic news skills – the best in the business if you ask us. Take note, Eisners – to Ko-Fi, starting next week. Support him there.

– our four podcasts, the DC3cast, Robots From Tomorrow, Make Mine Multiversity, and Force Ghost Coast to Coast, are all continuing in a new makeshift network of some sort. More details to come, but make sure you’re subscribed to all four so you don’t miss anything. Plus, there may be a new show or two joining the network – you never know.

– our manager at large, Elias Rosner, in addition to the Marvel podcast, will be writing about comics elsewhere, to be determined.

– Paul Lai has a Substack called ‘Comics Syllabus,’ which you can subscribe to here.

– Alexander Jones hosts a YouTube channel called Arakko Braddock all about comics from DC and Marvel. Subscribe here.

– Michael Mazzacane is writing about mostly Image/Top Cow/Spawn stuff at a new Blogspot site called ComicWeek. Check it out here.

– Robbie Pleasant will continue to contribute interviews and reviews to G33k-HQ. Check it out here.

– Alexander Manzo is following a classic Multiversity path and talking beer and comics on Instagram. Follow him here.

– Old friends Matthew Ledger and David Harper are doing great work at Matt Reads Comics and SKTCHD, respectively.

Like we said, follow the Multiversity Twitter account for more updates.

Once we figure out the new configuration of our archives, there will be a very prominent alumni section to provide these and future links.

Thanks. See ya on the other side.

//TAGS | Multiversity Says Goodbye

Brian Salvatore

Brian Salvatore is an editor, podcaster, reviewer, writer at large, and general task master at Multiversity. When not writing, he can be found playing music, hanging out with his kids, or playing music with his kids. He also has a dog named Lola, a rowboat, and once met Jimmy Carter. Feel free to email him about good beer, the New York Mets, or the best way to make Chicken Parmagiana (add a thin slice of prosciutto under the cheese).


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