
Orbital In Conversation – Episode 193: Visions of Utopia with Bryan & Mary Talbot

By | May 13th, 2016
Posted in Podcasts | % Comments

Hello and welcome to Orbital In Conversation – the podcast of Orbital Comics in central London!

This week Chris & Karl join Bryan & Mary Talbot at the pub to discuss their new book, The Red Virgin, from Dark Horse Comics and Jonathan Cape. Bryan & Mary discuss how their careers ran sidelong over the years, what prompted them to finally start working together, and how they’ve found the experience since.


(direct download) You may also download this episode here.

Orbital In Conversation is a weekly comics podcast recorded live at Orbital Comics in central London or somewhere on the road. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed located here. You can follow Chris and Orbital Comics on Twitter, as well as various other places around the web (be creative!)

//TAGS | Pop Culture Hound

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson emerged from the womb suckling on the teat of popular culture. He loves comics and films in equal measure (though not always together) and genuinely enjoys subtitled features, particularly French ones. When not indulging his passions, he’s working with them as a brand manager for Titan Comics – clearly not the best work-life balance one could have. In the rare moments he’s not working, Chris enjoys travel and is often headed to a festival or event of some kind. You can follow him on Twitter @popculturehound and subscribe to Pop Culture Hound via iTunes.


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