Robots From Tomorrow podcast Podcasts 

Robots From Tomorrow – Episode 219: Pull List for August 19 [Podcast]

By and | August 17th, 2015
Posted in Podcasts | % Comments

Robots From Tomorrow podcast

Welcome to Robots From Tomorrow! For this episode the guys have picked a couple of comics that will be hitting shelves this week and talk about why they’re excited to read them. Clocking in at around 15 minutes, this bite-sized audio nugget is the perfect companion for any Wednesday Warrior!

Picks for Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Mike– TMNT Amazing Adventures #1 & Ultraman vol. 1
GregSecret Wars: Secret Love #1 & Nanjing: The Burning City vol. 1

[audio:](direct download)

Robots From Tomorrow is a weekly comics podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at You can also follow Mike and Greg on Twitter. This episode is brought to you by Third Eye Comics. Enjoy your funny books.

third eye comics

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Mike Romeo

Mike Romeo started reading comics when splash pages were king and the proper proportions of a human being meant nothing. Part of him will always feel that way. Now he is one of the voices on Robots From Tomorrow. He lives in Philadelphia with two cats. Follow him on Instagram at @YeahMikeRomeo!


Greg Matiasevich

Greg Matiasevich has read enough author bios that he should be better at coming up with one for himself, yet surprisingly isn't. However, the years of comic reading his parents said would never pay off obviously have, so we'll cut him some slack on that. He lives in Baltimore, co-hosts (with Mike Romeo) the Robots From Tomorrow podcast, writes Multiversity's monthly Shelf Bound column dedicated to comics binding, and can be followed on Twitter at @GregMatiasevich.


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