Kickstarter Spotlight

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Kickstarter Spotlight: The Black Torch

By | Apr 30, 2013 | Columns

While anthologies from prominent creators and featuring equally prominent characters can be great, anthologies are also a great way to be exposed to new talent; pick up the right anthology, and you could find yourself with five or six new favorite creators to keep an eye on. The Kickstarter project “The Black Torch” is an […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: Kill All Monsters

By | Apr 23, 2013 | Columns

I’m one of those people who was very hesitant to get into the world of web comics. I mean, sitting at your computer and reading comics? And not just holding it in your hands and flipping pages around? That seemed very weird to me, especially when we weren’t looking at strip-based storytelling (that is to […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: Like a Virus

By | Apr 16, 2013 | Columns

Though you may not know him by name, you may be familiar with the work of writer Ken Lowery. Maybe you’re one of the over 300,000 followers of his Fake AP Stylebook twitter account, a fan of his co-creation The Variants, a webseries about running a comic shop, or perhaps a friend gave you a […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: Henchmen

By | Mar 19, 2013 | Columns

They’re the underrated, under-loved staple of genre fiction, superhero comics in particular. They exist almost solely to make supervillains appear like titans whose steps make the earth quake, to show the superheroes as unstoppable, godlike beings. And yet, they have to be people too, underneath their matching uniforms. We are talking about, of course, henchmen. […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: Sheherazade

By | Mar 12, 2013 | Columns

What problem do classical music and comics share? That of the diminishing audience. In both fields, the proverbial new listener or reader is a hot topic, and the aim of various corporate initiatives. Music teacher Matt Parry has come up with an ingenious idea that would work for both mediums: a graphic novel to accompany […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: Symbiosis

By | Feb 26, 2013 | Columns

Those of you who have read “S.W.O.R.D.,” “Our Love is Real,” or maybe even The Five Fists of Science may know artist Steven Sanders. If you know who he is, then you have probably picked up that one of his most impressive talents is his knack for world building. Unlike some artists who are fine […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: God Hates Astronauts

By | Feb 19, 2013 | Columns

A veritable chestnut of Kickstarter is the collection of self published/webcomics with additional content. In that way, and in only that way, “God Hates Astronauts: The Completely Complete Collection” is not unique. However, in terms of content, laughs, and just about any other metric you can use to gauge something’s value, this book is absolutely […]

Kickstarter Spotlight: The Beauty Curse

By | Feb 12, 2013 | Columns

The Beauty Curse is a new graphic novel by Eric Pape that uses the story of a young girl named Marina to draw focus to a broader problem in modern day Cambodia. You can learn more about Marina’s sad tale by watching the video linked above or by visiting Pape’s Kickstarter page, but the basics […]


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