Monthly Archives: May 2009

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Friday Recommendation: Green Lantern

By | May 29, 2009 | Columns

Arguably the most beloved superhero by everyone here at the blog, Green Lantern has really become something else in the past couple years. Ever since Geoff Johns’ brought him back in Green Lantern: Rebirth, Hal Jordan has absolutely been a force to be reckoned with (and here’s hoping Johns does the same to Barry Allen). […]

Scott Pilgrim vs. Every Other Comic Movie Ever

By | May 27, 2009 | Columns

The first place I ever saw anything about Scott Pilgrim was a few years ago at the Loussac Library in Anchorage, Alaska. Scott McCloud was speaking to a small but captive audience about understanding comics, and he used an interview with Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley and a page from the first volume of the […]

The Luna Brother’s Girls

By | May 27, 2009 | Reviews

Remember when I recommended the Luna Brothers a while ago, raving and ranting about how great The Sword was? Well, my friend and I drove to a comic book store and spent an hour and a half talking about all the graphic novels inside and insisting that the other buy this or that. As I […]

Friday Recommendation: Bone

By | May 22, 2009 | Columns

Normally I want to end up recommending an on going series so that readers who don’t know the title can hop in and find a comic currently being sold that they’d enjoy, but this week is an exception. One of the other writers for this blog, Carina (who is the only writer here who has […]

Archie Is Doing WHAT?!

By | May 21, 2009 | News

Despite what Gil might tell you, I’m not that big of an Archie fan. I can’t even remember the last time I read an Archie comic, to be quite frank. Probably when I was a wee tike who wasn’t allowed to read the big boy comics because they had too much violence… or something along […]

How Are You Not Reading These?!

By | May 21, 2009 | Columns

I’m unsure if I am going to make this a regular comic day column, but this is the inaugural edition of “How are you not reading these?!” This column will be dedicated to books that are extremely high quality and happen to be drastically underread. Don’t tell me you don’t have room for these books […]


By | May 20, 2009 | News

Click for higher resolution imageHo. Ly. Wow. Look at that Juggernaut. Is that not the most unstoppable mother fraker you have ever seen or is that not the most unstoppable mother fraker you have ever seen? Unbelievable. I’ve been staring at that picture for a while and I had to remind myself, “Matt! You run […]

Late Pass Review: Overlook #2

By | May 20, 2009 | Reviews

As has been seen, I read a lot every week. Every week I get an e-mail telling me what comes out during the week, and I go through the list and cross out/delete everything I don’t plan to read. My pull list is kind of daunting, and it occasionally gives me nightmares. My bank account […]


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