Batman issue 118 featured News 

Williamson and Molina Taking Over “Batman” in December

By | August 25th, 2021
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'Batman' #118 cover
by Jorge Molina

Via Twitter, Joshua Williamson has announced that he will be penning DC’s flagship “Batman” title from December, with Jorge Molina on art. Picking up from this fall’s event storyline ‘Fear State,’ the first story of their run, ‘Abyss,’ will see Bruce Wayne leaving Gotham, and the introduction of a new, scythe-wielding villain, also called Abyss.

Williamson is taking over from James Tynion IV, who left the title to concentrate on a new line of creator-owned books being published on Substack. Tynion’s “Batman” run began in January 2020, and will conclude with “Batman: Fear State Omega” in November, as well as a pair of “Batman” and “Joker” annuals that month.

“Batman” will become only the latest in an increasing number of current and upcoming DC titles by Williamson, with “Deathstroke Inc.” and “Justice League Incarnate” also set to launch in the coming months. He tweeted he has “other BIG announcements coming soon that aren’t ready YET,” and that “the end of 2021 and 2022 are going to be a very busy and wild ride,” but teased that Damian Wayne (who currently stars in Williamson and Gleb Melnikov’s “Robin” series), will be reuniting with his father in the series.

The writer did confirm one more thing with the reveal of Molina’s covers for issues #118 and #119: the yellow oval version of Batman’s chest insignia will return, after having been largely eschewed in favor of the simpler, entirely black version of the symbol over the past decade.

Christopher Chiu-Tabet

Chris was the news manager of Multiversity Comics. A writer from London on the autistic spectrum, he enjoys talking about his favourite films, TV shows, books, music, and games, plus history and religion. He is Lebanese/Chinese, although he can't speak Cantonese or Arabic. Give him a visit (and a tip if you like) on Ko-fi.