Hey Comics What’s Good

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Hey Comics! What’s Good? #15

By | Jun 19, 2018 | Columns

1. The Bizzaro World of “Superman” The Bizarro world of opposites is a long standing tradition in the DC Universe, and has seen all kinds of interpretations, but in their last big storyline for their “Superman” run, Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and Doug Mahnke (with letterer Rob Leigh and a bunch of inkers and colorists […]

flavor-1-feature Columns
Hey Comics! What’s Good? #14

By | May 22, 2018 | Columns

1. That smokey “Flavor” (I immediately regret what I just wrote but not enough to erase it, sorry ’bout it.) Anyway, the first issue of “Flavor” does a great job at building a charming and compelling world and you should totally read it. Co-creators Joseph Keatinge (writer) and Wook Jin Clark (artist) are at the […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #13

By | Apr 17, 2018 | Columns

1. How good Stuart Immonen is at drawing. Stuart Immonen is a really great artist (inked here, as he usually is, by Wade Von Grawbadger). One of the things that makes him great is how everything he draws reflects serious thought about the things he’s drawing. Like, sometimes you forget how impressive it is that […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #12

By | Feb 20, 2018 | Columns

1. Christopher Priest’s first “Black Panther” storyline Chances are it’s been a while since you’ve revisited the very beginning of Priest’s landmark run, but it’s remarkable how well he establishes his own voice to the character and also manages to combine so many disparate elements into a single story. Priest’s run features a lot of […]

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Hey Comics! What’s Good? #11

By | Feb 13, 2018 | Columns

1. “VS” #1 is the best debut issue since “New X-Men” #114. I mean we’re all on the same page here, right? We were all duly excited about “VS,” of course. We had Ivan Brandon writing his follow up to “Drifter,” one of the only finite comic series that hid its reveal to the end […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #9

By | Jan 30, 2018 | Columns

1. Shalvey + Bellaire = Team Supreme on “Injection” Warren Ellis’s “Injection” has become the perfect showcase for the synergy between artist Declan Shalvey and colorist Jordie Bellaire (lettered here by the great Fonografiks). It’s moody, atmospheric, and super-weird; all qualities on display in the series’ last arc about Brigid Roth’s examination of strange rock […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #8

By | Jan 24, 2018 | Columns

1. “The Mighty Thor” is still really, really good. Jason Aaron has had a knack for creating his own little corner of the Marvel Universe that doesn’t really concern itself with a lot of the goings on outside of it. He brings back favorite characters, he keeps his cast consistent in their motivations, generally he’s […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #7

By | Jan 16, 2018 | Columns

1. John Paul Leon draws EVERYTHING. “Batman: Creature of the Night” is sort of Kurt Busiek’s spiritual successor to “Superman: Secret Identity.” Once again, we see a big DC character through the lens of the “real world.” I’m not going to get too into the thematics of the story here (they’re great and well-examined). I […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #5

By | Jan 3, 2018 | Columns

Out of the frozen tundra of the new year, your favorite comics column returns. We’ve been gone a few weeks, so let’s waste no time! Here are this week’s five rad things!! 1. The new “Quantum & Woody” debut. Daniel Kibblesmith and Kano’s first issue of “Quantum & Woody” just came out (with letters by […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #4

By | Dec 12, 2017 | Columns

Wow, is it really that time again? Time for five more completely rad things in the world of comics? Shoot, I guess it is! Here we go! 1. DC’s new trade dress Okay, just ignore that “Batman” logo for this exercise. It won’t take long I promise, and when we’re done, you can go back to […]

Hey Comics! What’s Good? #3

By | Dec 5, 2017 | Columns

Folks, I’ve spent another week reading comics! Here’s the stuff I liked the most. 1. Lee Weeks’s second act Lee Weeks has been drawing comics for a long time. And he’s been drawing comics with a consistent craftsmanship not easy to find. When it comes to artists, though, long-term careers aren’t really the norm, especially […]

Doom Patrol Columns
Hey Comics! What’s Good? #2

By | Nov 28, 2017 | Columns

Another week gone by, another assortment of five amazing things in comics I happened to notice. A quick note about how this column will handle spoilers. Naturally, I read new comics every week, but I’m going to hold off on talking about anything spoilery in anything in particular until the following week, hopefully giving everyone […]


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