Fatale #6 Cover Columns 

Multiversity’s Got You Covered: Week of 6/27/12

By | June 29th, 2012
Posted in Columns | % Comments

It’s time for another edition of Got You Covered, as I break down the best of the week in comic covers. Overall, it was kind of so so week in covers, as it was in comics themselves. That said, here are five great examples of the comic form. Look for the best covers of the month coming on Monday.

5. Prophet #26
Art by Brandon Graham

Brandon Graham steps into art duties for this month’s issue of Prophet, and as per usual, he knocks it out of the park. This cover highlights a lot of what I love about his art: the unique color choices, the hyper detail, and the personality packed within. Even on a piece like this, where the image depicted is a barren wasteland of technology and earth, his work manages to make it all come to life.

4. American Vampire #28
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

I love the design of this cover, with the blackened out title bar at the top to separate yet blend with the overall image (which, unsurprisingly for a vampire book, features a lot of black itself). I love how for the most part this cover is full of blacks and whites, but Albuquerque uses the red pages from Pearl’s book of evil vampire supporters to contrast against them. Combine that with the Nguyen-ish watercolors affectations Albuquerque has been adopting, and this is a damn fine cover.

3. Angel & Faith #11
Art by Rebekah Isaacs

Great cover artists seem to have little things that they consistently bring to the table. Little signatures that set them apart. Isaacs’ has the personality and storytelling she brings to every piece, and for this one, it’s highlighted by the way she brings to two leads to life. Faith is a pitch perfect representation of the character Eliza Dushku originally brought to life, but the real gem is everything about Angel. The disdainful look, the way he desperately covers himself, the smoke billowing off of him…it’s all pretty hilarious. To bring this much personality to a cover is a gift, and luckily for Isaacs, it’s her gift. Much to the envy of the rest of the cover artist community.

2. Scalped #59
Art by Jock

If you don’t look at this cover closely, you could miss the power of it. Hell, if you don’t read the comic, you could do that too. This cover, the mess of orange and violent lines that it is, is the singular image that represents all of what happens on the inside of the comic. It’s not an all-time standout for Jock, but it is something that very few artists out there could pull off, and man, does he pull it off. What a powerful and deep (in multiple ways) image it really is.

1. Fatale #6
Art by Sean Phillips

I haven’t really highlighted Fatale here before, which is a shame. Sean Phillips is undoubtedly one of the best in the business today, but there is one specific thing that I love about the book that is new to Phillips’ work: the white borders that surround each and every cover. These framing device’s really make each and every cover pop, working to highlight the names of the creators while also making the image within stand out all the more. I love the way the blues of the night mesh against the blacks, whites and grays of Jo, giving the whole image a sense of danger.

It’s a stellar job in a book that has had nothing but great covers, which can be expected when you have people like Phillips and colorist Dave Stewart onboard.

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David Harper


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