Author Archives: Jeremy Holt

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Gatsby OGN featured Columns
Multiversity Says Goodbye: “Strange Love”

By | May 30, 2024 | Columns

Jeremy Holt is one of a handful of former Multiversity writers to move from writing about comics to actually writing comics, including work for DC, Marvel, Simon & Schuster, and more. Multiversity Comics provided an online space for all of us to revel in our love for comic books. It holds a special place in […]

Strange Love – Part 16

By | Apr 5, 2013 | Columns

Sitting in a cafe on 7th street and 2nd Avenue in the East Village, I was back in New York City and unsure of how I felt about the return. Revisiting my old life immediately showed me its stark contrast with my new one in Vermont. A lot about me had changed in only a […]

Strange Love – Part 15

By | Mar 15, 2013 | Columns

“…a briefing yesterday, the head of the National Transportation Safety Board warned it could be a long time before the plane is cleared to fly. NPR’s Wendy Kaufman reports.” As I awoke to NPR’s Morning Edition, I prohibited myself from hitting the snooze button. I didn’t have to, my girlfriend already did and was up […]

Strange Love – Part 14

By | Mar 1, 2013 | Columns

“Hey Jeremy. How’s it going?” smiled Joe. Seated behind his table sketching away with a full commission list, I was still amazed that I was about to discuss a collaboration with someone so experienced, and that I had admired for so long. When we first met in Seattle earlier in the year, it was under […]

Strange Love – Part 13

By | Feb 15, 2013 | Columns

Regardless of how you engage with the comic book community, whether it be as a creator or simply as a fan, attending conventions are fun. Having spent the past few years attending various shows across the country–first as press then as a fledgling creator–I found myself attending my first one as an exhibiting professional. After […]

Strange Love – Part 12

By | Feb 1, 2013 | Columns

Your pitch has been submitted, and you couldn’t be more confident in the artist, colorist, letterer, and designer. You’ve run a fine-tooth comb through your one page series synopsis for any typos or grammatical errors. If you’ve been fortunate enough to attend a con and show that bad boy around, you might’ve gotten some positive […]

Strange Love – Part 11

By | Jan 18, 2013 | Columns

Definitions for the word conviction: a : a strong persuasion or belief b : the state of being convinced In the weird world of comics, fledgling creators need to have an ample amount if they’re going to get a foot in the door. What does this mean exactly? Well for starters, it requires strong communication […]

Strange Love – Part 10

By | Nov 30, 2012 | Columns

How we were first introduced will be lost to the sands of time, but there I was having breakfast with her one brisk Sunday morning in Oakland, California. I had decided to attend ImageExpo on a whim, which happened to be celebrating 20 years of Image Comics, and she mentioned that she was also going. […]

Strange Love – Part 9

By | Nov 16, 2012 | Columns

What makes a comic “good”? This seems like a stupid question but it’s an ongoing education that I continue to take notes on. What makes the answer so elusive is that when attempting to produce top-notch creator-owned work, your opinion (as a writer) only half matters. It’s certainly important to have confidence in your scripts, […]

Strange Love – Part 8

By | Nov 1, 2012 | Columns

Rejection #9 from the publisher who I was convinced would bite. Ongoing rejection from my girlfriend, who was failing to see the point in my commitment to breaking into comics. Rejection from a life in comics that didn’t appear to want me. What am I doing?! It was all too much at that very moment. […]

Strange Love – Part 7

By | Oct 18, 2012 | Columns

The coffee was hot and black, just the way I liked it. I didn’t know what time it was, but I didn’t care. The night had taken me to a point of no return. Every loose idea that was drifting in my mind, I furiously snatched up as I scribbled everything down into my notebook. […]

Strange Love – Part 6

By | Oct 4, 2012 | Columns

With New York Comic Con just around the corner, I thought I’d take an intermission with Strange Love, and discuss my experiences of pitching at a convention. Let’s start at the beginning. I am not good at pitching. No matter how many times I do it, it never truly gets easier, only more manageable. This […]


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