Author Archives: Alexander Jones

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Sideways 2 Featured Reviews
“Sideways” #2

By | Mar 15, 2018 | Reviews

DC’s ‘New Age of Heroes’ line is one of the most baffling additions to the publisher’s huge expansion into different spaces and ideas. The initiative serves as a platform for the different artists in comics to explore new characters, ideas, and concepts. While most ideas spinning out of the line have failed to find their […]

Xena 1 Featured Reviews
“Xena” #1

By | Feb 15, 2018 | Reviews

With the rise of female-driven action titles and a demand for similar content in the direct market, we need Xena, Warrior Princess now more than ever before. To hold fans over for a reboot of the television show, Dynamite is back with a new ongoing series starring the tough-as-nails action hero. Will writer Meredith Finch […]

Superman 40 Featured Reviews
“Superman” #40

By | Feb 8, 2018 | Reviews

After a couple expansive storylines and bombastic arcs, Superman’s traditional ongoing comic book is going back-to-basics and embarking on a more classic storyline with ‘Suicide Planet.’ Series regular artist Doug Mahnke is returning to the comic alongside veteran DC writer James Robinson. While only having some of the classic Rebirth “Superman” creative team is strange, […]

Deathstroke Annual 1 Featured Reviews
“Deathstroke Annual” #1

By | Feb 2, 2018 | Reviews

After hitting one of his lowest points ever, Slade Wilson tried to rebuild his life by renouncing killing and creating a team of superheroes. However, Slade hasn’t been finding this transition easy or simple. “Deathstroke Annual” #1 shows how people can repeat patterns of behavior no matter how much they try and break the cycle. […]

Avengers 677 Featured Reviews
“Avengers” #677

By | Jan 26, 2018 | Reviews

The Avengers are ditching their three books and going weekly for a huge crossover storyline. The first two chapters turned out pretty well so far. Will Marvel be able to retain the high level of quality while telling a coherent narrative on a weekly basis? Readers still don’t know the villains behind the narrative or […]

Optimus Prime 15 Featured Reviews
“Optimus Prime” #15

By | Jan 18, 2018 | Reviews

The times are a changing’: the Autobots are under new leadership! Transformers leader Optimus Prime is trying to protect both Earth and Cybertron. The new installment of his ongoing series is the home of his return to the planet he annexed and features a couple more surprises fans of all the comics in the line […]

Transformers Vs. Visionaries #1 Featured Reviews
Pick of the Week: “Transformers vs. The Visionaries” #1

By | Jan 4, 2018 | Pick of the Week, Reviews

IDW Entertainment has been teaming countless franchises up with the Transformers over the past couple years. The toy franchise is filled with a diverse, shared continuity accounting for years of publishing across multiple Transformers stories. The Autobots and Decepticons already have a long shared Universe. Adding even more franchises to the mix has the potential […]

“Action Comics” #993

By | Dec 14, 2017 | Reviews

During DC Rebirth’s earliest stages, “Action Comics” was always a polarizing title. The publisher set it up as if it was going to star Lex Luthor, but the book quickly shifted in focus to become the second Clark Kent ongoing in the DC Universe largely divorced from the “Superman” ongoing. In the wake of “Action […]

“Moon Knight” #189

By | Dec 1, 2017 | Reviews

Marc Spector is a weird dude, he’s got a lot of different personalities wrapped up in one brain. Each and every writer that approaches the hero has the difficult task of redefining him and his world. Writer and musician Max Bemis and artist Jacen Burrows are the latest set of creators up to bat on […]

The Demon Hell is Earth 1 Featured Reviews
“The Demon: Hell is Earth” #1

By | Nov 23, 2017 | Reviews

You could argue Brad Walker is one of the strongest artists in DC’s current Rebirth line-up. Giving Walker a fun, off the beaten path type of character like The Demon is a great use of his talent. However, writer Andrew Constant is making his DC debut with the “The Demon: Hell is Earth” #1, a […]


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